Biochar has great potential, not only as a carbon sink, but also as a building block for the heat transition and, finally, as a soil additive with excellent properties. In an urban context, so many challenges could be met. But why is biochar still a niche product/niche topic and other carbon sinks are getting more media attention, such as direct air capture? The SCS GmbH is trying to put this green carbon more in the foreground and scale up production and application.
Thorsten Alxneit originally studied business informatics and spent many years in management consulting, most recently advising Deutsche Bahn as a partner in a small consultancy. His PhD on the introduction of sustainability reporting and the birth of his daughter in 2020 reminded him to look for a topic with more and more concrete impact and he found it in the topic of biochar.
Date & Time
Monday, 02 December 2024
10:00 CET in room 9.06 in K1
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