Our aim in this phase was to familiarize students with the concepts of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). We introduced them to the ecological, socio-cultural, economic, historical, and design contexts of Mexico City and our designated area of focus, the Tláhuac district.
These acquired methods and comprehensive contextual understanding will aid students in developing forward-thinking urban planning proposals for Tláhuac.
A special thanks to our guests for their inspiring presentations:
- Dr. Luis Zambrano González, Biologist at the Institute of Biology of UNAM
- Elena Tudela Rivadeneyra, ORU -Office of Urban Resilience- in Mexico
- Dr. Herbert Dreiseitl, Dreiseitl Consulting GmbH in Germany
- Dr. Victor Delgadillo Polanco, Urban Planner at the Autonomous University of Mexico City (UACM)