Water-Sensitive Urban Development in Tláhuac: Initial Steps.

November 8, 2023

We have successfully completed the first phase of our Winter Design - Water Sensitive Mexico City. As part of the 23-24 Winter Design and in collaboration with Taller-Carlos-Lazo of the Architecture Faculty of UNAM, our focus was on methods and context.

Our aim in this phase was to familiarize students with the concepts of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). We introduced them to the ecological, socio-cultural, economic, historical, and design contexts of Mexico City and our designated area of focus, the Tláhuac district.

These acquired methods and comprehensive contextual understanding will aid students in developing forward-thinking urban planning proposals for Tláhuac.

A special thanks to our guests for their inspiring presentations:

  • Dr. Luis Zambrano González, Biologist at the Institute of Biology of UNAM
  • Elena Tudela Rivadeneyra, ORU -Office of Urban Resilience- in Mexico
  • Dr. Herbert Dreiseitl, Dreiseitl Consulting GmbH in Germany
  • Dr. Victor Delgadillo Polanco, Urban Planner at the Autonomous University of Mexico City (UACM)
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