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Update Alb - Sommeruni 2014

Lehrdokumentation einer Sommeruni in Magolsheim
auf der Schwäbischen Alb, 115 S.
Hrsg.: Stokman A.; Jessen, J. & Gothe, K.

Leben in der Flusslandschaft Nürtingen 2025

Flusslandschaft Nürtingen Dokumentation von Bachelorarbeiten als integriertes Projekt "Stadt und Landschaft" mit dazugehörigem Seminar "Fluss, Stadt, Entwerfen." 137 S.
Hrsg.: Städtebau Institut & Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie, Universität Stuttgart


International Design Studio: Lima beyond the Park - Desert City, Culture and Water Infrastructure


Documentation of International Design Studio, Winter Term 2012/2013, p. 105
Hrsg.: Prof. Antje Stokman, MSc. Arq. Rossana Poblet, Dipl.-Ing. Andrea Balestrini

In 2012 the International Year for Bachelor students of architecture and urban planning took place again at the University of Stuttgart. The program aims to put students in contact with foreign cultures and get them used to work in diverse contexts. “Lima: Beyond the Park” aims to develop multifunctional open space systems to become ecological infrastructure, and water sensitive urban design solutions for arid climates.

Seminar: Cities out of Water - Urban Challenges, Strategies and Projects dealing with Water Scarcity


Documentation of Seminar Cities Out of Water, Winter Term 2012/2013, p. 76
Hrsg.: Stokman, A.; Poblet, R & Balestrini, A.

In addition to the design studio “Lima beyond the Park II” the seminar “Cities out of water” took place during the winter semester 2012/2013 for the bachelor students of Architecture at the University of Stuttgart. The seminar focused on researching on water scarcity and sanitation problems in different regions of the world.


International Summer School: Lima beyond the Park 2013 - Desert City, Culture and Water Infrastructure

ILPOe_Booklets_2013_Design_Studio_Lima_beyond_the_Park_II.jpg Documentation of International Summer School, 18 February - 03 March 2012, p. 100
Hrsg.: Stokman, A.; Poblet, R & Nemcova, E.

Within a summer school, 32 students from different disciplines, countries and universities explored how to resolve the conflict between engineering, ecology, design and people. They developed two strategies, low cost interventions for multifunctional, productive, water-sensitive and livable open spaces within two public schools.
This booklet presents the design and building process as well as the results.

IUSD Yearbook 2012/2013

IUSD Yearbook 2012/2013 Selected activities, projects and papers of students of the master’s program Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design in the year 2012/2013, p. 171


Update Schwarzwald

Update-Schwarzwald Sommeruni 2012 in Bernau und Menzenschwand, 130 S.
Hrsg.: Gothe, K.; Jessen, J. & Stokman, A.
ISBN 978-3-00-043526-3

Kulturklimator – Ideen für einen Öffentlichen Raum

Kulturklimator-2 Dokumentation eines Stehgreif-Entwurfs 2012 für den Innenhof der ifa-Galerie Stuttgart, S. 28 (Heft A),  S. 80 (Heft B)
Hrsg.: Lenz, I.; Quednau, A. & Stokman A.

 Summer school: Lima - Beyond the Park, 2012


Coupling nature, culture and water infrastructure
Chuquitanta, San Martin de Porres, Ventanilla, p. 58
Taller de verano: Lima – Más que un parque, 2012
Conectando naturaleza, cultura e infraestructura del agua
Chuquitanta, San Martin de Porres, Ventanilla, p.58


 Tool Book - Technologies for Ecosystem Design and Ecological Engineering


Produced as part of an accordant Seminar in the IUSD Master’s Program 2012, p. 210

Wagenhallen Atlas - Analysis for Strategic Design Projects


Produced as part of the modules Integrated Research and Design and Methods and Tools of the IUSD Master’s Program (2012), p. 83

IUSD Yearbook 2011/2012


Selected activities, projects and papers of students of the master’s program Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design in the year 2011/2012, p. 99

Design Studio: Lima - Beyond the Park, 2011/2012

Design-Studio-Lima--20112012 Documentation of student projects: Urban strategies for lower Chillón River and Lurín River watersheds, p. 82
Taller de Diseno: Lima – Más que un parque, 2011/2012
Documentación de proyectos de estudiantes: Estrategias urbanas para la cuenca baja del Río Chillón y Río Lurín, p. 82

“Die essbare Stadt” Andernach

Die-essbare-Stadt-Andernach  Workshop Dokumentation 30. Mai – 06. Juni 2011, S. 86

Nachhaltige Architektur: Lowtech oder Hightech?

Nachhaltige-Architektur Dominique Gauzin-Müller (2011), S. 56
ISBN 978-3-9814665-0-8
Enseigner l’architecture à l’ére du développement durable
Dominique Gauzin-Müller (2011), p. 56
ISBN 978-3-9814665-0-8
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