In his master's thesis, Niklas Best is developing a practical and multidimensional assessment method that records the two ecosystem services biodiversity and carbon sequestration on a small scale and in detail. By making ecosystem services visible in different designs of urban spaces, he aims to promote their sustainable development with his work. The joint consideration of the biodiversity and climate crises highlights synergies that lead to faster and more efficient crisis management.
Biodiversity is assessed in the thesis on the basis of biotope types and their quality and structural diversity, while carbon sequestration, carbon storage and land management are considered. The practical test for the Schöttle Areal in Stuttgart illustrates the potential of the method as a tool for quantifying and comparing different planning approaches, identifies gaps in research and highlights the importance of old urban trees in overcoming the climate and biodiversity crisis. The work was supervised by Prof. Dr. Christiane Zarfl (University of Tübingen), Prof. Dr. Leonie Fischer (University of Stuttgart) and Dr. Janet Maringer (Flächenagentur BW).
Since 2011, the University of Tübingen has awarded the annual Sustainability Prize for final theses. The challenge of sustainable development is to develop solutions for a globally just and sustainable development of our society - from an ecological, economic and socio-cultural perspective. The Sustainability Award honors theses at Bachelor's and Master's level that are dedicated to a topic of sustainable development in an outstanding manner.
A recording of the presentation of the sustainability awards for theses and the subsequent Sustainability Lecture by Christine von Weizsäcker can be found at the following link:
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