We would like to welcome you to Workshop 2 "Potentials and Challenges" on the KlimaOasen project:
Date: Tue., 13.06.2023
Time: 15:00 to 17:15,
if interested with excursion to the "Wilde Klimawand" until 18:15
Location: Campus Vaihingen, former CampusGuest, room U32.101
The workshop is part of the project "KlimaOasen", which is led by the Institute for Landscape Planning and Ecology (ILPÖ) and in which the Green Office is a project partner. The core of the project is to create an exchange between stakeholders who want to initiate, implement and maintain "Climate Oases" through nature-based solutions on university campuses, and thus develop recommendations for the implementation of climate adaptation measures.
Please let us know by Mon, 05/06/2023 if you can come. We look forward to your registration!